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A Better Arlington AGM 2022

Wed, 21 Sept


Quarterdeck, below The Cinque Ports

Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM of A Better Arlington.

A Better Arlington AGM 2022
A Better Arlington AGM 2022

Time & Location

21 Sept 2022, 19:00 UTC

Quarterdeck, below The Cinque Ports , The Cinque Ports, Marine Terrace, Margate CT9 1XJ, UK

About the Event

You are all enthusiastically invited to the ABA AGM.  You will also receive a separate email diary invite from Google which you can RSVP to.

We have penciled The Quarterdeck below Cinque Ports and will confirm that nearer the time.

Attached is a copy of our constitution, voted in at the first AGM a year ago.  And here are the parts that covers the AGM and the election of officers.

Annual General Meeting

a. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in September, on a date to be decided by the Executive Committee, giving all Members and Associate Members that have provided an email or Arlington House address not less than 14 days notice.

b. Members will have the opportunity to propose agenda items and, if not enough time is available to cover all suggestions, vote on which are to be included.

c. The agenda for the Meeting must include as standing items

i.Executive Committee Report

ii.Treasurer's Report

iii.Election of Officers

d. Voting will be made possible for all members, not just those able to attend.

e. Where necessary the meeting will be held online.

Management of the Association

a. The Association, in its structure and operation will be guided by the principles of inclusion, transparency and democracy.

b. The Executive Committee co-ordinates the Association’s activities and any new working parties and sub-committees to investigate, advise on and implement such tasks as the membership  may decide are a priority.

c. Arlington House lessees already operate a number of working groups. The Executive Committee should help to transmit information to and from these groups to the members and also non-member residents.

d. The Executive Committee organises the Annual General Meeting and other meetings both physically and online and the implementation of votes of the membership throughout the year.

e. The Executive Committee shall comprise three officers; Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and at least three but no more than six other Members or Associate Members of the Association.

f. The roles of the officers may be split between two co-holders of the office

g. At least one member of the Executive Committee shall be a renter tenant.

h. Officers must be elected by a majority vote of the Association to be held at intervals of no greater than 12 months.  Nomination shall be by being proposed by Members of the Association but may be seconded by Associate Members. Nominations are to be forwarded to the Secretary seven days prior to the meeting having written consent of the nominee. Serving Officers cannot be nominated for another year by other Officers or Members of the Executive Committee (although they may be seconded by them). They may be nominated by other Members

So, please reply with

  1. Proposed agenda items.   We will discuss the Section 20 and plans to mark the 60th anniversary of the building next year.  There has also been a proposal to start a Food Bank for the building this winter. We are also keen to know if bike sheds are a priority for residents. What else would you like tabled for discussion and a vote?
  2. Nominations of the existing committee.   The co-chairs, David Walker and Jess Search, Treasurer Peter Cooke along with Elizabeth Walker are happy to continue on the committee.  Would you like to nominate any of us?
  3. Nominations of new committee members. We are looking for 2 new members.  Our constitution commits us to having at least one renter on the committee.  Please let us know if you would be willing to put yourself forward or get in touch to ask more about what it involves.
  4. Offers to volunteer.  Along with elections to the Executive Committee we would be happy to hear from anyone able volunteer your time/ skills to contribute generally or to a particular issue that you are interested in / knowledgeable about.  Thanks.

We will follow up a week from the AGM with information about the agenda and nominations and offer those who can’t attend a chance to put in their votes in advance of the meeting.

Please email any propsals, nominations and questions to The nominations form in the residents section of this website is also now ready to accept entries for this year, or use the letterbox on the Arlington Archive door on the ground floor if you prefer to submit them physically.

We look forward to seeing you there. 

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